''It’s time to unlearn the truckload of lies you’ve been fed by some of the painfully lazy media platforms in your country about Africa'' - Nana Aba Anamoah Spits Venom On An American Missionary For Her “Less Intelligent” Comment About Ghana

Media Personality, Nana Aba Anamoah has descended on an American Latter Day Saints Missionary for her unsavoury comments about Ghana.

Miss Jessica Clark Funk has invoked the wrath of Nana Aba and some Netizens for describing Ghana as poverty stricken.

Jessica in an attempt to explain why people resent her church, The Church of the Latter Day Saints said starving and poverty stricken people of Accra would rather prefer resources used to build her church be channeled at eradicating poverty in their community.

She described where their temple is located at Ridge, Accra as dusty, dirty, and with a terrible road.

According to Jessica, Ridge, Accra is an epitome of a city in a third-world country.

Nana Aba peeved by the unpalatable comments about Ghana has referred to Jessica’s submission as less intelligent.

She urged Miss Clark to unlearn the lies she was fed about Africa and most especially Ghana and relearn the truth.

Check out the post below;

Meanwhile, Jessica said the Church needs to do more of humanitarian works in Ghana because half of her heart is in Ghana.

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