4 things that may happen to you if you stop having intercourse for a very long time - Expert


At some point, some people may choose to abstain from intimacy for quite some time because of some personal reasons. If you happen to find yourself in this period, you might be wondering how it can affect your health.

We all know how intimacy is beneficial to our health as it boosts our immune system, helps us burn calories, and does lots more. But is it a wise decision to stay without intercourse for a long period? Before answering this question, I will like to share with us some of the things that may happen to our physical and mental health when we stop having intercourse for a long time.

Below are 4 things that may happen to you if you stop having intercourse for a long time 

1. Your immune system may weaken.

According to health experts, regular intimacy improves the immune system and equips the body to fight off illnesses by releasing endorphins. This means that having intimacy regularly may increase the level of antibiotics in your body and help strengthen your immune system. 

Not having intercourse for a very long time may affect your physical health by causing your immune system to weaken.

2. Cardiovascular health.

Not having intimacy for a long time may also increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. In addition to being a source of exercise, intimacy helps keep your estrogen and progesterone levels in balance, which can reduce your risk of heart disease. This is one of the things that may happen to you if you stop having intercourse for a long time. 

3. Stress and anxiety level.

According to research, having intimacy releases neurochemicals such as the hormone oxytocin and endorphins which can help manage the effects of anxiety or stress. Not having intimacy regularly may make your body release these hormones less often, which might make it more difficult to cope with stress.

4. Relationship health. 

For some couples who stop having intercourse for a long time, their relationship with their partner becomes more stressful and they stop feeling connected to each other. Bonding with each other and getting emotionally attached might become harder for couples who stop having intercourse for a long time. 

In conclusion, staying without intercourse for a long time will have the above effect on your physical and mental health.

Source: Flo.health

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