Sex delays marriage! Lady shares reasons to stay without sex before marriage


Sex before marriage is a topic many continue to arguably agree is impossible. While some try, others believe those who try or say it's possible are hypocrites. What is your take on this topic?

In a post sighted by us on the popular Facebook page named Abena Manokekame, a lady shared her experience on the much controversial topic of sex before marriage.

In the post to Abena, she said, “when I posted my babe and I dated without sex until we got married, many of the comments I read on the post sound like it’s either difficult or impossible to do in this our generation or era. My babe and I did it with ease.”

She continued by admitting, “We’re both not virgins before we got married, but as you grow you change your mindset about certain things in life. My babe and I have realized that sex in a relationship doesn’t really prove true love, but rather deteriorates the relationship and makes the relationship a fertile ground for pretense.”

“Sex in a relationship is an abomination morally. It’s not a religious issue. So, let no one thinks, it’s some religious people who forbid sex in a relationship. It’s only a dead or weak conscience person that will forever delight in sex in a relationship. Until one sees it as morally wrong, you’ll not stay away from sex until marriage. Sex in a relationship destroys potential good relationships.”

She believes that sex in a relationship gives an unbearable pain after a breakup. Sex in a relationship makes you a slave in a relationship that you could have walked away with your head up. Sex in a relationship creates the opportunity for disrespect in most relationships. Sex may be holding onto your future marriage.

She added a bold claim that “Sex delays marriage.”

“Imagine being used and dumped! It’s only in a relationship that you engage in sex that you can be used and dumped. Dear ladies, your body is your power in the relationship. You have the power to control a guy in your life when he’s not seen your nakedness. Every guy is humbled in a relationship that sex is not involved. No guy wants to lose a lady he so much cherishes in his life that he’s not seen her nakedness.

Most guys lose interest in the relationship when they have sex with you. These are the guys who will promise you heaven on earth in a relationship he starts with you but loses interest after seeing your nakedness. Not every “I love you” is real. You’ll only know after he’s slept with you.

Because you can’t tell whether his “I love you” is real or fake, don’t offer your body in your relationship. Let your guy knows you value yourself and respect your body. Let him be aware you’re not a sex toy or a machine for him. Let him know that you’re in a relationship for marriage but not sex.

Don’t offer sex in your relationship. Stop giving him sex and he’ll take you seriously. Genuine love is in relationships without sex. You’ll have good sex in marriage, why rush now? My babe and I enjoy sex every day with passion and pride. You can do it too! Psyche your mind! Change your beliefs!

Aim marriage, but not sex! It’s my prayer you find true love with happiness.”

What do you think about this lady's view on sex before marriage? Personally, I think it's possible but it’s easier to achieve when both partners have the same understanding and agreement to it.

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